Town Clerk

Wednesdays and Thursdays 10:30am-12:30pm, or by appointment.
Email or call to setup a more convenient time.
The Town Clerk is elected at the annual town election for a term of three years.
The town clerk answers to town residents and the Secretary of State. Duties include:
Custodian of Public Records including Bylaws
Vital Record registration/Marriage/Birth/ Death/Burial Agent
Ensures Open Meeting Law and Conflict of Interest Compliance
Issues Licenses/Business Certificates
Public Records Requests
Posts required Notices/Agendas
Genealogical Research
Conducts yearly Census for Street Listing and Jury List
Official Election Officer
Fees as follows:
Marriage License: $15
Business/DBA License: $15
Birth/Death Certificates: $10
Dog Licenses (good for 3 years)
Spayed/Neutered: $15
Intact: $30
Open Meeting Law
When a person is elected or appointed to a board or committee you need to fill out the CERTIFICATE OF RECEIPT OF OPEN MEETING LAW MATERIALS. All of the materials needed are located in the Attorney General's Open Meeting Law Guide and Educational Materials. The last page is the form to fill out or you can use the link to download just the form. Unfortunately, it isn't fillable online yet.
Links to detailed information and forms are below.